Phone: 701-477-3108


Degrees and Certifications:

Shari DeCoteau

7th grade teacher

Phone: 701-477-3108 ext.139


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education From TMCC Master’s of Education degree from the University of Mary.

Vicky Breland

7th Grade Teacher

Vicky Breland has been a teacher at Ojibwa Indian School for about 6 years.  Overall, she has been an educator for 9 years.  She began her teaching journey in 2012 at St. Ann’s Catholic School where she taught 2nd grade for 2 years and 4th grade for 1 year.  In 2015, she started teaching at OIS as a 3rd grade teacher.  After 3 years of teaching 3rd grade, she moved to teach 7th grade.

She graduated from Turtle Mountain Community College in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education.  In 2021, she received her Master’s of Education degree from the University of Mary.

Vicky is currently the 7th grade teacher. She is also a member of the School Improvement Team (SIT).  She enjoys teaching and learning with her students.  She believes that building relationships with her students is important. Her goal is to inspire her students to be lifelong learners.